Jersey Shore Real Estate Agency

Jersey Shore Real Estate Agency

Recently a Jersey Shore real estate agency reached out to our team at Social Impression to boost their business within the realm of social media and online leads. Their company is located in a very competitive area and they wanted to stand out among the other nearby businesses. 


Being a smaller Jersey shore real estate agency located in a competitive market, it was hard to stand out.

Solution For The Jersey Shore Real estate agency

After performing a SWOT analysis, it was clear that client relationships were a strength at the small agency. They had an opportunity to use their pre-existing connections and massive email list to connect with their renters and owners year-round. An average email on the monthly campaign has an open rate of 42. 5 % with 13 % clicks. The industry open rate average is 19. 67 % and i t i s 1 . 8 % for clicks.


The email campaigns allow the agency to alert their renters and owners on new information, fill houses quicker, remind people to plan their vacations early and create an online community of customers and prospects that all love the Jersey shore.

If you are looking to boost your businesses online foot print to make yourself stand out among the competition, don’t hesitate! Contact our team at Social Impression today!